Do you have a blog for your silent auction? Blogs are a great way to keep information flowing from organizers to supporters. Publicize that fantastic new donation. Thank a new major donor. The information that gets you excited will also generate interest and excitement among your supporters.

Many services allow you to create a blog for FREE and it is easy! A great one is By creating different pages and allowing easy access to past posts, your donors will not only read your entries but use the blog as a "go-to" for auction information. Be sure and enter updates frequently and use the site as a tool to fill in gaps in your donations.  Your entries do not need to be long, interesting snipits are great to read too.

Ask your supporters to share the blog with friends. The more people are engaged, the higher the enthusiasm meter will climb. Aa few minutes of your time each week will provide fantastic publicity! 



Pearl Bids silent auction manager  is the perfect tool to easily set up, keep track, and run your silent auction.


Scroll through the feature slides or watch some of the how-to videos to see for yourself why our customers continue to use Pearl Bids year after year for all of their silent auction events. 


*The original downloadable Pearl Bids is available as an alternative for those who do not have wifi access at their event.